Our Approach

iMedtrust is a philanthropic initiative that sets out to establish a regulated, and economically self-sustaining, adaptive medical education platform. It will provide higher education resources, technology, and educational expertise to improve global population health.

Year 1 – We launch a global hub for adaptive medical education

Our London campus will prepare the first waves of student educators to kick-start sustainable health worker education programmes in their communities. Our student body of 1,100 graduate and undergraduate learners will provide the critical mass required to develop and evolve high quality, regulated health education programmes for adoption and adaptation by our partner network of health worker education institutions.

Year 25 – Know-how is transferred to partner institutions around the world

Over 50 health worker education institutions in lower-resource settings will partner with iMedtrust within the first 25 years. This represents a systemic approach to building locally relevant and locally licensed health worker capacity. It harnesses abundant local talent and reduces health worker migration, building community resilience.

Year 50 – Our global community becomes autonomous

With more than 100 network institutions working together collaboratively in lower-resource settings the development of new partner institutions will be resourced regionally. The initiating role of the London campus will be complete, enabling it to be sold or refinanced. iMedtrust will continue to support and evolve the adaptive medical education platform, resourcing the growing network with know-how and research.
