We have devised a model of medical education that responds to both the diverse needs of individual learners and differing healthcare contexts. Our approach is founded upon evidence-supported understandings of learning processes:
Learning outcomes are first determined by understanding the key capacities, characteristics and traits required by the students we educate and graduate, so that they are optimally suited for the demands of 21st Century healthcare.
Adaptive curriculum enables students to develop their own capacities and characteristics in a manner that responds to their uniqueness and readiness for learning tasks and progress.
Educator development is a key to ensuring that our students are given appropriate support throughout their learning journeys, and that the program offers a consistent set of cultural values.
“Diagnostic” mindset throughout as when providing clinical care, all of our educational experiences, and our selection of students and faculty, will be based on the continuous gathering of information that guides recommendations and decisions.
Adaptive Learning Management System
Supports the learning program in two critical ways: 1) enables students to proactively manage their pathways through their learning experiences in light of continuous self-assessment, and assessment by the program, and 2) it enables the orchestration and deployment of educators, available technologies, and other learning resources.
Effectiveness and affordability support scalable, educationally effective, economically efficient, timely and locally relevant medical education programs.
You can view our Core Educational Documents here