A global solution for population health

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We urgently need a solution that exponentially grows the number of skilled health workers present in lower-resource settings around the world


The Problem

Over one billion people have no access to a health worker.

These people, the vast majority from countries in lower-resource settings, are already experiencing high rates of premature death, family break-up and stunted economic growth.

And yet the situation is only getting worse. Demand for health workers is such that World Bank sponsored research has shown that we need to double the global workforcefrom 40 to 80 million professionals, by 2030 to meet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

If we don’t take radical action now to grow our global health workforce, hundreds of millions more people around the world will suffer without access to health professionals in the future.



The Solution

The only way we are going to meet this critical deficit is to transform how we educate our global health workforce.

iMedtrust’s approach is “Adaptive Medical Education“, an innovative and systemic solution which harnesses advances in artificial intelligence and new technologies.

Our system allows us to precisely map the individual learning journeys of students to the medical capabilities required in differing communities. This enables our students, wherever they are located, to not only enhance their pre-existing skills highly efficiently but to master the most prominent issues in their practise settings. As a result, they are more likely to stay and study in-country, and offer their skills in lower-resource settings.

Adaptive Medical Education reduces the cost and time to educate and deploy health workers in lower-resource settings. Given scale, Adaptive Medical Education will change the game for global population health.


Our Approach

iMedtrust is a philanthropic initiative that sets out to establish a regulated, and economically self-sustaining, adaptive medical education platform. It will provide higher education resources, technology, and educational expertise to improve global population health.

Year 1 – We launch a global hub for adaptive medical education

Our London campus will prepare the first waves of student educators to kick-start sustainable health worker education programmes in their communities. Our student body of 1,100 graduate and undergraduate learners will provide the critical mass required to develop and evolve high quality, regulated health education programmes for adoption and adaptation by our partner network of health worker education institutions.

Year 25 – Know-how is transferred to partner institutions around the world

Over 50 health worker education institutions in lower-resource settings will partner with iMedtrust within the first 25 years. This represents a systemic approach to building locally relevant and locally licensed health worker capacity. It harnesses abundant local talent and reduces health worker migration, building community resilience.

Year 50 – Our global community becomes autonomous

With more than 100 network institutions working together collaboratively in lower-resource settings the development of new partner institutions will be resourced regionally. The initiating role of the London campus will be complete, enabling it to be sold or refinanced. iMedtrust will continue to support and evolve the adaptive medical education platform, resourcing the growing network with know-how and research.


Our Legacy

Our legacy will be the increased wellbeing of hundreds of millions of people all over the world, and improved population health on an unprecedented scale.

We expect the iMedtrust network of education programmes to be fully established and flourishing within 50 years. By this time, local network institutions in countries with lower-resource settings will have developed their medical education capacity and medical know-how in a long-term, sustainable way.

Our success will be in our succession. Medical knowledge and know-how transferred from higher resource settings to lower-resource settings in a manner that democratises healthcare for all.


Please join us in our mission


Our Team

Our core people and collaborators, who have conceived and refined our initiative, comprise 60+ world leaders in medical education, regulation, administration & finance, technology & media, and medical education architecture.

M. Brownell Anderson

M. Brownell Anderson

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Richard Brooks, B. Com, CA

Richard Brooks, B. Com, CA

TRUSTEE & CHAIR View Details
Timothy Carlin, BS

Timothy Carlin, BS

ADVISOR View Details
Prof. Sir Graeme Catto, MD

Prof. Sir Graeme Catto, MD

Trustee & Advisor View Details
Prof. Andreas Charalambous, PhD

Prof. Andreas Charalambous, PhD

Advisor View Details
Marcus Chidgey

Marcus Chidgey

Advisor View Details
Prof. Philip Cotton, MD, FRCGP

Prof. Philip Cotton, MD, FRCGP

Advisor View Details
Andrew Douglas, BA, FCA

Andrew Douglas, BA, FCA

Co-founder View Details
Dr. Clare Gerada, MBE, FRCP, FRCGP, FRCPsych

Dr. Clare Gerada, MBE, FRCP, FRCGP, FRCPsych

ADVISOR View Details
Prof. Janet Grant, PhD

Prof. Janet Grant, PhD

Advisor View Details
Prof. Larry Green, MD

Prof. Larry Green, MD

Natalie Greenwold, MBBS

Natalie Greenwold, MBBS

Trustee & Advisor View Details
Prof. Aviad Haramati, PhD

Prof. Aviad Haramati, PhD

Advisor View Details
Prof. Ronald Harden, MD, OBE

Prof. Ronald Harden, MD, OBE

Advisor View Details
Kamila Hawthorne, MBE, MD, FRCP, FRCGP, FAcadMEd

Kamila Hawthorne, MBE, MD, FRCP, FRCGP, FAcadMEd

ADVISOR View Details
Dr. Richard Horton FRCP FRCPCH FMedSci

Dr. Richard Horton FRCP FRCPCH FMedSci

Advisor View Details
Prof. David M. Irby, PhD

Prof. David M. Irby, PhD

Advisor View Details
Prof. Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD, FRCP(R)

Prof. Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD, FRCP(R)

Co-founder View Details
Prof. Roger Jones, MD

Prof. Roger Jones, MD

Advisor View Details
Prof. Sam Leinster, MD

Prof. Sam Leinster, MD

Advisor View Details
Stewart Mennin, PhD

Stewart Mennin, PhD

Advisor View Details
Cyndi Mitchell, BSc

Cyndi Mitchell, BSc

Advisor View Details
Dr. John Norcini, PhD

Dr. John Norcini, PhD

Advisor View Details
Prof. Thomas C. Reeves, PhD

Prof. Thomas C. Reeves, PhD

Advisor View Details
Prof. Trudie Roberts, MBChB, PhD, FRCP, FHEA

Prof. Trudie Roberts, MBChB, PhD, FRCP, FHEA

Advisor View Details
Prof. Davinder Sandhu, MD

Prof. Davinder Sandhu, MD

Advisor View Details
Prof. Michael Seropian MD

Prof. Michael Seropian MD

Senior Advisor View Details
Prof. Roger Strasser MBBS

Prof. Roger Strasser MBBS

Advisor View Details
John Surrey

John Surrey

Advisor View Details
Prof. Olle ten Cate

Prof. Olle ten Cate

Advisor View Details
Prof. Cees van der Vleuten, PhD

Prof. Cees van der Vleuten, PhD

Advisor View Details
Dr. Kieran Walsh, FRCPI

Dr. Kieran Walsh, FRCPI

Advisor View Details
Prof. Jane Westberg, PhD

Prof. Jane Westberg, PhD

Senior Advisor View Details
Prof. Amy Wilson-Delfosse, PhD

Prof. Amy Wilson-Delfosse, PhD

Advisor View Details
M. Brownell Anderson

M. Brownell Anderson

“Brownie” is Vice President, International Programs, at the National Board of Medical Examiners (Philadelphia, USA), and formerly, (for 27 years) was Senior Director for Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges. During her time at the AAMC she coordinated the Annual Research in Medical Education (RIME) Conference and managed the Annual Curriculum Directory, among many other activities.

Richard Brooks, B. Com, CA

Richard Brooks, B. Com, CA


Richard Brooks, B. Com, CA – Trustee & Advisor – Richard is a Chartered Accountant and co-founder of FD Solutions, a professional firm that provides Finance Directors on a part-time or interim basis to commercial, governmental and philanthropic entities. Richard has extensive experience in advising mature and early stage commercial and social enterprises to develop successful growth and financing strategies in addition to creating appropriate governance, risk and compliance cultures and infrastructure.

Timothy Carlin, BS

Timothy Carlin, BS


Tim has 30 years’ experience bringing innovative technology solutions to market with large companies and as an entrepreneur. His focus throughout his career has been on developing a deep understanding of customer requirements while working to overcome perceived roadblocks to design, delivering products that exceed customer expectations. He has co-founded a number of for-profit companies and one non-profit. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems and Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University. Tim has been providing technical guidance to the iMedtrust team, as needed, since 2015.

Prof. Sir Graeme Catto, MD

Prof. Sir Graeme Catto, MD

Trustee & Advisor

Sir Graeme is a medical doctor, scientist and educator. He served as Dean and Vice-Principal of Aberdeen University Medical School, before serving as Chief Scientist for the National Health Service in Scotland and as a member of the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council. He then became chairman of the General Medical Council’s (GMC) education committee where he presided over substantial revisions to Tomorrow’s Doctors, the evolving body of work that sets out the GMC’s requirements in relation to outcomes and standards required of medical students and medical educators. He was appointed President, later Chair, of the GMC until 2009. In 2000, he became Vice-Principal at King’s College London and Dean of Guy’s, King’s College and St Thomas’ Hospitals’ Medical and Dental School. He is now Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of Aberdeen and President of The College of Medicine.

Prof. Andreas Charalambous, PhD

Prof. Andreas Charalambous, PhD


Andreas is a US-educated anatomist and international educator with a strong record in expanding access and opportunity to quality education for international students. In 2011, he founded the first Medical School in Cyprus, the University of Nicosia Medical School (UNMS), which delivers, among other programmes, the MBBS degree of St. George’s, University of London. The Medical School attracts medical students from across the globe and operates clinical campuses on three continents, under the quality assurance of the UK General Medical Council. In 2002, Andreas founded Galen University in Belize with a focus on sustainable development to support environmental conservation, human rights in Central America, cultural heritage preservation and the national development goals of Belize. He developed an academic partnership with the University of Indianapolis, USA, offering Central American students an opportunity for a liberal arts education. He is a signatory of the Talloires Declaration of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future. In 1997, Andreas established the first health science programmes in Cyprus, as a preparation for the development of the Medical School in that country, and served in several academic and administrative capacities, including Department Chair, Director of Research, and Vice President for Development and Institutional Relations . He is currently the Executive Dean of the University of Nicosia Medical School, Cyprus, and the President of Galen University in Belize, Central America. He also serves as advisor to international education projects in Europe, and in North and South America.

Marcus Chidgey

Marcus Chidgey


Marcus Chidgey is Chief Executive and Founder of Captive Minds, a strategic public relations and content agency.

Captive Minds specialises in creating international media events, strategic partnerships, broadcast properties and licensed products.

The company is best known for its work with Walking With The Wounded and Bear Grylls. It services a diverse range of clients including William Grant & Sons, the BBC, Cirque du Soleil, Willis Group, C4 and Massey Ferguson. In recent years, audiences for Captive Minds’ multi-platform projects have grown to a billion people in more than 120 countries worldwide. Its work has won several prestigious international awards and an honour from The White House. The company’s digital ventures include Loqiva, a digital place management platform for smart cities.

Marcus is a director of the Global Partnerships Forum in New York, an organisation which builds alliances between civil society and the private sector in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. He is a director of Captive Health, Chair of Trustees for The Royal Marines Club, and a member of the advisory board of the International Academic Forum.

Marcus is married and lives in London.

Prof. Philip Cotton, MD, FRCGP

Prof. Philip Cotton, MD, FRCGP


Phil is Vice Chancellor of the University of Rwanda, where he was the Principal of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences. He also holds a Professorship of Learning and Teaching at the University of Glasgow. He is a family medicine physician and continues to practice and to teach. He was a member of the international committee of the RCGP in London. He is interested in the role of universities in society, health education and professional formation, and also in the use of instructional technology in resource-poor settings.

Andrew Douglas, BA, FCA

Andrew Douglas, BA, FCA


Andrew has 40 years of experience as an entrepreneur, financier and chartered accountant. He co-founded 6 businesses, two financing healthcare and social service providers in the UK and Italy and one that is developing an internet platform for hosting multi-media adaptive digital conversations. His skills lie in combining innovative market offers with technology-enabled delivery platforms to create high-volume, scalable enterprises that attract the professional management and funding required for the successful execution of their development strategies. He serves as co-chair of the liaison committee between London Business School and Young Presidents’ Organisation. Andrew is Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs for iMedtrust.

Dr. Clare Gerada, MBE, FRCP, FRCGP, FRCPsych

Dr. Clare Gerada, MBE, FRCP, FRCGP, FRCPsych


Clare was the first female Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 50 years. She is also the first Chair to come from Malta! Clare studied medicine at University College London, qualifying in 1982. She completed post-graduate preparation in medicine, and then in psychiatry. She subsequently followed in her father’s footsteps, becoming a general practitioner in South London, where she has stayed ever since. She is about to celebrate her 25th anniversary at that practice.

In 2008, Clare won the contract to run the Practitioner Health Programme (www.php.nhs.uk), which is a pioneering programme providing confidential services to doctors and dentists with mental health or addiction problems.

Clare has strong links to three Royal Colleges. She was awarded an honorary Fellowship in the Royal College of Physicians in 2008, and the Fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2015. She was also awarded an MBE in the Millennium Birthday Honours for services to medicine and to the area of substance misuse.

Prof. Janet Grant, PhD

Prof. Janet Grant, PhD


Janet is an educational psychologist and medical educator who served as Professor and Director of the Open University’s Centre for Education in Medicine for more than two decades. She now directs the Centre for Medical Education in Context and the FAIMER-Keele international distance learning Master’s degree in Health Professions Education: Assessment and Accreditation. She is Senior Adviser to the World Federation for Medical Education and a Special Adviser to the World Health Organisation.

Prof. Larry Green, MD

Prof. Larry Green, MD


Larry has been a faculty member at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine throughout his career. He is now the Epperson Zorn Chair for Innovation in Family Medicine and Primary Care. He has served as a practicing physician, residency programme director, developer of practice-based research networks, and department chair. In 1999 he became the Founding Director of the Robert Graham Center, a research policy centre sponsored by the American Academy of Family Physicians focused on family medicine and primary care, in Washington, D.C. He served on the Steering Committee of the Future of Family Medicine Project that propelled the “patient-centred medical home” forward. He directed the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Prescription for Health national programme focused on incorporating health behaviour change in redesigned primary care practices. He is a founding board member for Partnership 2040, a community-based participatory research enterprise in the Denver area. He received the Curtis Hames Award and the Maurice Wood Award for Lifetime Contributions to Primary Care Research. He is a regular member of the US Institute of Medicine.

Natalie Greenwold, MBBS

Natalie Greenwold, MBBS

Trustee & Advisor

Natalie is a Specialist Doctor in obstetrics and gynaecology at University College Hospital London. She qualified from Guy’s Hospital medical school in 1987 and went on to specialise in high risk Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She has published work on early pregnancy, placental development, pre-term birth and ultrasound training in rural settings. She teaches undergraduate students at UCL and has lectured at Ravensbourne art college on the use of animations for social good. In 2006 Natalie co-founded Medical Aid Films. She is now a patron of this charity, which is devoted to educating health professionals in low resource countries, helping them improve their clinical practice using film.

Dr. Greenwold introduces and explains the contributions of this charity in a TEDx presentation she gave in 2014. Since being founded, this initiative has helped reduce maternal and child mortality in multiple countries and settings. She has also worked on creating several other educational films for use in Sub-Saharan Africa, including a series on performing Caesarian Sections under low-resource conditions. Natalie has volunteered as a direct educator of health professionals in Sub-Saharan Africa on multiple occasions.

She is also a trustee of Accumul8, a UK charity devoted to empowering homeless people by helping develop their creativity. Natalie has also confirmed her adaptability and organizational capabilities through her successful management of a family-owned commercial enterprise, which she took over in 2004 on short notice, following the unexpected early passing of her husband, that company’s founder and CEO.

Prof. Aviad Haramati, PhD

Prof. Aviad Haramati, PhD


Phil is Vice Chancellor of the University of Rwanda, where he was the Principal of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences. He also holds a Professorship of Learning and Teaching at the University of Glasgow. He is a family medicine physician and continues to practice and to teach. He was a member of the international committee of the RCGP in London. He is interested in the role of universities in society, health education and professional formation, and also in the use of instructional technology in resource-poor settings.

Prof. Ronald Harden, MD, OBE

Prof. Ronald Harden, MD, OBE


Ronald is Editor of Medical Teacher and General Secretary of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). As a medical educator Ronald pioneered the widely adopted Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). He is very widely published and is recognised as one of the leading international authorities in medical education. Ronald was the 2012 recipient of The Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education, among a long list of other public honours for his distinguished services to medical education all over the world.

Kamila Hawthorne, MBE, MD, FRCP, FRCGP, FAcadMEd

Kamila Hawthorne, MBE, MD, FRCP, FRCGP, FAcadMEd


Kamila has been a general practitioner for 30 years, and is an academic medical educator. She grew up in Tanzania, and came to the UK at the age of 10. Her own medical education was at Somerville College, Oxford, and she completed her postgraduate GP preparation in Nottingham. She is Vice Chair (Professional Development) at the Royal College of General Practitioners, where she oversees Quality and Standards in General Practice, Professional Development programmes at all stages of the medical life course and the preparation of junior doctors for general practice with the MRCGP curriculum and its licensing exit examinations for practice in the UK. Kamila has been creating a new undergraduate curriculum at the University of Surrey, having formerly been involved in a major curriculum change at Cardiff University, where she introduced a significant new approach in Community-Based Learning. She is keen to align the knowledge, skills and attributes required of new graduates to the current and future requirements of our communities and the health service, wrapping around the biomedical model that currently predominates medical curricula. These include vertical themes in ‘One Health’, inter-professional learning across boundaries, leadership, and digital health technology.

Kamila’s research interests and publications include access to health services for Ethnic Black and other minority and disadvantaged groups in the UK (with special application to Type 2 Diabetes), the development of social responsibility in health care professionals, and equality and diversity in medical professional assessments. She continues to work as a general practitioner in deprived communities in South Wales.

Kamila was awarded an MBE in the 2017 Queen’s New Years Honours List, for services to general practice.

Dr. Richard Horton FRCP FRCPCH FMedSci

Dr. Richard Horton FRCP FRCPCH FMedSci


Richard is Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet. He was born in London and is half Norwegian. He qualified in physiology and medicine with honours from the University of Birmingham in 1986. He joined The Lancet in 1990, moving to New York as North American Editor in 1993. He was the first President of the World Association of Medical Editors and he is a Past-President of the US Council of Science Editors. He is an honorary professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University College London, and the University of Oslo. He has also received honorary doctorates in medicine from the University of Birmingham, UK, and the Universities of Umea and Gothenburg in Sweden. In 2011, he was appointed co-chair of the UN’s independent Expert Review Group on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health, part of whose remit is to monitor progress of the UN Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health. He is a Senior Associate of the UK health-policy think-tank, the Nuffield Trust. Richard received the Edinburgh medal in 2007 and the Dean’s medal from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in 2009. He has written two reports for the Royal College of Physicians of London: Doctors in Society (2005) and Innovating for Health (2009). He wrote Health Wars (2003) about contemporary issues in medicine and health, and he has written regularly for The New York Review of Books and the TLS. He has a strong interest in global health and medicine’s contribution to our wider culture. In 2011, he was elected a Foreign Associate of the US Institute of Medicine.

Prof. David M. Irby, PhD

Prof. David M. Irby, PhD


David is a professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine at University of California San Francisco, where he served as Vice Dean for Education and Director of the Office of Medical Education, 1997-2011, He was also a senior scholar at The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, where he co-directed a national US study on the professional preparation of physicians that culminated in the 2010 publication: “Educating Physicians: A Call for Reform of Medical School and Residency” (on the 100th anniversary of the publication the “The Flexner Report”). Among his many awards are: The Abraham Flexner Award for Distinguished Service to Medical Education from the AAMC, 2011; The Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education in 2010; and appointment as a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association, for substantial research accomplishments in 2009.

Prof. Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD, FRCP(R)

Prof. Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD, FRCP(R)


Hill has nearly 60 years of experience as a medical educator, innovator, and clinical professor in family medicine, psychiatry, and medical education. He is the first person known to have pursued medical and education doctorates simultaneously, and he was a member of the team that first developed and instituted both professional development for medical educators and established the field of scholarship in medical education (in the 1950s). He served as Editor of the international journal, Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice, co-authored 7 academic books, and co-wrote and hosted more than 70 widely distributed educational videos. Hill, along with others, pioneered the development of “simulated patients” and “stimulated recall”, for the learning of medical communication and relationship skills, and he contributed to pioneering work that was adapted as problem-based learning. He was responsible for designing and conducting the two largest, multi-institutional studies of medical teaching ever done, and he initiated a pioneering, influential study of the medical decision-making process. He has been an advisor in the design of the educational programmes of new medical schools in the US, Canada, and the Netherlands. Hill is an Honorary Lifetime Member (in recognition of contributions made) of The Network: TUFH, a global consortium of innovative, community-oriented medical schools, and other schools of the health professions, dominantly in low-resource countries. Hill is Director of Educational Affairs for iMedtrust.

Prof. Roger Jones, MD

Prof. Roger Jones, MD


Roger has been Editor of the British Journal of General Practice since 2010. He was Wolfson Professor of General Practice at King’s College London School of Medicine (previously Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’s) from 1993-2010. At King’s College he was also Dean for Teaching and Dean for External Affairs, and he wrote the core curriculum for the undergraduate medical course. Roger now holds an emeritus position at King’s.

Prof. Sam Leinster, MD

Prof. Sam Leinster, MD


Sam is a medical educator who led the introduction of a new curriculum for the undergraduate degree in medicine at the University of Liverpool. He served for 10 years as Inaugural Dean of the new medical school at the University of East Anglia. As an Educational Associate of the General Medical Council he leads quality assurance visits for undergraduate medical schools and postgraduate training programmes.

Stewart Mennin, PhD

Stewart Mennin, PhD


Stewart is Professor Emeritus, Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, and former Assistant Dean for Educational Development and Research at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. He now lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is a Consulting Associate at the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, and is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

He a 2017 recipient of the AMEE Lifetime Achievement Award in medical education in recognition of contributions to AMEE and to medical education. He co-created and developed the Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Course, and the Leadership in Medical Education Course. He has been a longtime mentor for the Young Medical Educators group, and a co-founder of the AMEE Research Committee. Professor Mennin has been an invited consultant and teacher at more than 100 medical schools and health institutions in low and medium resource parts of the world. His primary interest is in complex adaptive systems and the theory and practice of dynamical change in health professions education, practice, and policy.

Cyndi Mitchell, BSc

Cyndi Mitchell, BSc


Cyndi is a global senior executive with over 18 years of experience in starting, growing and leading technology businesses. She has held general management and leadership positions across engineering, marketing, sales and services at ThoughtWorks, Sun Microsystems and Accenture. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University.

Dr. John Norcini, PhD

Dr. John Norcini, PhD


John is FAIMER’s (the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research) first President and Chief Executive Officer in May 2002. Before joining FAIMER, Dr. Norcini spent 25 years with the American Board of Internal Medicine serving in various capacities, including Director of Psychometrics, Executive Vice President for Evaluation and Research, and finally, Executive Vice President of the Institute for Clinical Evaluation. He earned his B.A. degree from LaSalle University and his Ph.D. degree from Bryn Mawr College. Dr. Norcini’s principal academic interest is the assessment of physician performance. Current major research interests include methods for setting standards, assessing practice performance, and testing professional competence. His research also focuses on physician migration and workforce issues, as well as the impact of international medical graduates on the U.S. health care system. Dr. Norcini serves on the editorial boards of five peer-reviewed journals in measurement and medical education, has lectured and taught in dozens of countries, and has published extensively.

Prof. Thomas C. Reeves, PhD

Prof. Thomas C. Reeves, PhD


Tom is Professor Emeritus of Learning, Design, and Technology in the College of Education at The University of Georgia (USA). Before moving to Georgia, he held positions at the Medical University of South Carolina and the University of Maryland. He is former Fulbright Lecturer in Peru, and he has been an invited speaker in the USA and 30 other countries. In 1995, he was selected as one of the “Top 100” people in multimedia by Multimedia Producer magazine, and from 1997 – 2000, he was the Editor of the Journal of Interactive Learning Research. Among his many books he is co-author of A Guide to Authentic e-Learning (2010), which is highly relevant to our educational plans.

Prof. Trudie Roberts, MBChB, PhD, FRCP, FHEA

Prof. Trudie Roberts, MBChB, PhD, FRCP, FHEA


Trudie is Professor and Director, Leeds Institute of Medical Education. She has a particular interest in assessment and has published extensively in this area. She was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2006. Trudie is the new President of AMEE (the Association for Medical Education in Europe) and was previously Chair of the Association for the Study of Medical Education in the UK. Until 2012 she was a Council member for the UK medical education regulator, the GMC. She still practices in her medical specialty of Clinical Immunology and Allergy.

Prof. Davinder Sandhu, MD

Prof. Davinder Sandhu, MD


Davinder is Professor of Medical Education, University of Bristol. Before beginning his current position this past year, he was Postgraduate Dean of the Severn Deanery for 8 years and was previously a Consultant Urological Surgeon in Leicester for 13 years. He was Lead Dean for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, and for the five interface fellowships in Head and Neck, Aesthetic Reconstructive (Cosmetic), Cleft Lip and Palate, Breast Oncoplastic and Hand Surgery. He is chair of the Association of Medical Education Europe Postgraduate Committee and on the AMEE executive committee. He has published over 60 papers and his particular areas of interest are in Leadership and Organisational Change. In 2013 he was awarded the Bruce Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) for distinguished service to education and training, and he was honoured with fellowships from the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Faculty of Dental Surgeons.

Prof. Michael Seropian MD

Prof. Michael Seropian MD

Senior Advisor

Michael is a practicing paediatric anaesthesiologist and Professor of Anaesthesiology and Paediatrics at Oregon Health & Science University. He has more than 20 years of experience designing and developing multiple simulation facilities/programs, including the development of many simulation collaborations and ventures. Michael is the President of the SimHealth Group, an international, multi-profession consulting firm specializing in the effective deployment of simulation-based education in healthcare. He has worked across health professions to promote simulation as a vehicle for enhancing quality and safety in healthcare. Much of his work focuses on implementing strategies and developing faculty expertise for optimizing the use of simulation. Michael is Past-President of the International Society for Simulation in Healthcare where he promoted policies and projects that enhance education in the global simulation community. He is passionate about seeing simulation-based education programs and other experiential learning platforms develop successfully, irrespective of discipline and context.

Prof. Roger Strasser MBBS

Prof. Roger Strasser MBBS


Roger has been the Founding Dean of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) since 2002. This was the first new medical school in Canada in 30 years. It was created to pursue the special mission of serving the people of Northern Ontario, including First Nations peoples, and to provide medical career opportunities for young people from the region. Prior to his appointment with NOSM, Professor Strasser was Professor of Rural Health at Monash University and Head of the Monash University School of Rural Health, in Australia. Between 1992 and 2004, Professor Strasser also had an international role as Chair of the Working Party on Rural Practice of WONCA, the World Organization of Family Doctors. In November 2002, he was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners in recognition of his world leadership in the field of rural health and in March 2003, Dr Strasser received the Louis Ariotti Award for excellence and innovation in rural and remote health in Australia. He has since received many additional, major awards in recognition of his many contributions to family medicine and to rural health.

John Surrey

John Surrey


John is serving as a Strategic Advisor to Brunel University Medical School, helping to prepare this new institution for its launch in September 2021. He is focusing on brand positioning, marketing and student recruitment as well as on overall strategy and development. Previously, for 9 years, he was a member of the leadership team that started the first medical school in Cyprus, in partnership with St George’s, University of London. He was involved in this project from its conception and led their marketing/communications, student recruitment, admissions and student services.

Prior to entering the higher education sector, John was a global marketing director with Synovate, a top-5 market research company. He began his career with the US Government’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service, serving in management and editorial roles in Nicosia, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Panama City as well as in Washington, DC.

Prof. Olle ten Cate

Prof. Olle ten Cate


Olle attended undergraduate medical education at the University of Amsterdam and worked at the same medical school from 1980.as an educational advisor. In 1986, he completed a PhD dissertation on peer teaching in medical education. Between 1980 and 1999 he was closely involved with all of U of Amsterdam’s major preclinical and clinical curriculum reforms, educational research, program evaluation and educational development. In 1999 he was appointed full professor of Medical Education at Utrecht University. From 1999 until 2005 he was program director of undergraduate medical education at University Medical Centre Utrecht. Since 2005 he has been leader of the Center for Research and Development of Education at UMCU. His research interests include vertical integration in undergraduate medical education, peer teaching, and competency-based postgraduate medical education. From 2006 until 2012 he served as president of the Netherlands Association for Medical Education. In 2012 he was appointed adjunct professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

Prof. Cees van der Vleuten, PhD

Prof. Cees van der Vleuten, PhD


Cees has been at the University of Maastricht since 1982. In 1996 he was appointed Professor of Education and chair of the Department of Educational Development and Research in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. Since 2005 he has been Scientific Director of the School of Health Professions Education. His primary expertise is in evaluation and assessment. He has published widely in this domain, holds numerous academic awards, including several career awards. He serves frequently as a consultant internationally, mentors many researchers in medical education and has supervised more than 60 doctoral graduate students. In 2010 he received a Dutch royal decoration for the societal impact of his work and in 2012 the Karolinska Prize for Research in Medical Education.

Dr. Kieran Walsh, FRCPI

Dr. Kieran Walsh, FRCPI


Kieran is clinical director of BMJ (British Medical Journal) Learning and Quality – the medical education and quality improvement service of BMJ. He is responsible for the editorial direction of BMJ Online Learning, BMJ Masterclasses, BMJ on Examination and BMJ Quality. He has published three books on medical education – Cost Effectiveness in Medical Education, Medical Education: A Dictionary of Quotations, and the Oxford Textbook of Medical Education

Prof. Jane Westberg, PhD

Prof. Jane Westberg, PhD

Senior Advisor

Jane has been Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado Denver for 23 years and at the University of Miami for 12 years before that. Jane also served on the faculty of George Washington University School of Medicine. She has been a leader in the development of progressive ideas in medical education, having co-authored 7 academic books, co-authored and directed more than 40 educational videos, and conducted hundreds of workshops for medical educators, all on aspects of understanding and improving medical education. For more than 20 years she has been an Associate Editor of Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice. Jane is an Honorary Lifetime Member (in recognition of contributions made) of The Network: TUFH, a global consortium of innovative, community-oriented medical schools, and other schools of the health professions, dominantly in low-resource countries.

Prof. Amy Wilson-Delfosse, PhD

Prof. Amy Wilson-Delfosse, PhD


Amy is Associate Dean for Curriculum and Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. She is an accomplished practitioner of basic science education, curriculum reform and student assessment. Amy is the Past-President of the International Association of Medical Science Educators.

Team Affiliations

Aberdeen University Medical School / American Educational Research Association / Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine / College of Medicine / Exeter University / FAIMER / General Medical Council / Georgetown University / Imperial College School of Medicine / International Association of Medical Science Educators / International Society for Simulation in Healthcare / Karolinska Institutet / King’s College London / Leeds Institute of Medical Education / London Business School / London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine / Medical Aid Films / Monash University / National Board of Medical Examiners / National Health Service / Netherlands Association for Medical Education / Northern Ontario School of Medicine / Northwestern University / Open University / Oregon Health & Science University / Oxford University / Robert Graham Center / Robert Wood Johnson Foundation / Royal College of GP’s / Royal College of Physicians / Royal College of Surgeons / The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching / The Lancet / The Network: Towards Unity for Health / United Nations / University of Amsterdam / University of Bristol / University of California / University of Colorado / University of East Anglia / University of Georgia / University of Glasgow / University of Liverpool / University of Maastricht / University of Maryland / University of Miami / University of Nicosia Medical School / University of Rwanda / University of South Carolina / US Institute of Medicine / Utrecht University / World Health Organisation / World Organization of Family Doctors / Young Presidents’ Organisation


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